Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Just Another Brick In The Wall?

So often we think that Christianity (as the story of God, his people, and redemption) is something separate from reality. We put Christianity under the umbrella of some other total reality. It, along with myriad other things, comprises the total reality. It is as if reality is a brick wall and Christianity is just one brick among others. In our conversations with people of different beliefs we find ourselves trying to pit our ideas against their ideas--one brick against another, as it were. We perceive this total reality to be morally/religiously/ethically neutral.

We are terribly mistaken though if we think reality is neutral. It is anything but neutral. In fact Christianity--again meant as the story of God, his people, and redemption--is the total reality. Christianity is not just another brick in the wall; it is the wall! All the bricks, all things, are not under a neutral reality, rather, they are subject to, and point to, the reality of Christianity--the truth of God.

Family, vocation, ideas, communication; none of it is neutral. No matter how hard we may try, none of it can be separated from the ultimate reality of God. ALL THINGS are deeply and intensely bound up, and rooted in, the truth and reality of God--the "I Am," the ultimate reality.
Further Study:
God as Creator: Gen. 1, 2; Col. 1.
God as "I Am": Ex.
God as active redeemer: Covenants/Christ, New Heavens and New Earth.
ALL creation groans: Rom. 8

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