Tuesday, August 21, 2007

A Helper From Within

Humanitarianism is good. It is good that people of substantial means are willing to leave their comforts for a time to travel to a needy region in order to help needy people. Recently though I have been thinking a lot about what it might mean to be missional. Along with this, I've been considering the possibility of planting a church (at some point in my future; whether sooner or later I am not certain). I'm excited about the idea of planting a church in an inner-city community, a depressed and needy community. The type of community that most people wouldn't necessarily want to live in. The type of community that attracts suburban humanitarians. What especially excites me about this possibility is the idea of moving into and living in such a community. To make myself one of the people that I seek to minister to. This is what being missional is all about. It is not trying to cater to a culture, but becoming immersed in a culture (it should go without saying that all cultures have ungodly aspects that are to be avoided). Missionaries travel to tribal villages and become a part of the culture. The Apostle Paul speaks of becoming all things to all people in order to spread the gospel. I want to become a member of the community that I seek to minister to. In doing so I attempt to humble myself, to make myself not a condescending savior for these people, but instead a helper from within.

1 comment:

Noel said...

It's incarnational really... just as the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, so we are called to become all things to all people--we become those to whom we are ministering.